News Article

Harnessing Wellhead Pressure for Clean Energy: Overcoming Technical Challenges in Turboexpander Design

October 1, 2024

As the global demand for clean, renewable energy continues to surge, the oil and gas industry faces a unique opportunity to leverage existing infrastructure in new, sustainable ways.

One such opportunity lies at the wellhead, where Sapphire Technologies' innovative turboexpander technology is poised to transform wasted pressure energy into clean electricity. This article delves into the technical challenges and progress made in designing turboexpanders for wellhead applications, as well as the remaining innovation needed to fully unlock their potential.

The Potential of Wellhead Turboexpanders

The wellhead represents the initial contact point for natural gas as it is extracted from the earth. Pressures at the wellhead can be extremely high, often reaching 3000 psi or more. This presents a prime opportunity to harness the energy released during the pressure reduction process to generate electricity. By capturing this otherwise wasted energy, turboexpanders can help reduce reliance on diesel generators, cut fuel costs, and contribute to the industry's environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals.

The implementation of turboexpanders at the wellhead is not just a technological innovation but a strategic move towards more sustainable energy practices. The high-pressure gas at the wellhead is a largely untapped resource for generating clean electricity, which can then be fed back into the grid or used to power remote operations. This approach aligns with the broader industry

Technical Challenges in Wellhead Turboexpander Design

Designing a turboexpander capable of operating effectively at the wellhead is no small feat. The high pressure at the wellhead necessitates a compact yet powerful design that can withstand the harsh conditions often encountered in these environments. One of the key technical challenges is achieving high rotational speeds, which are essential for maximizing the efficiency and power density of the machine. However, operating at these speeds requires careful consideration of materials and design elements to ensure durability and reliability.

The challenges of wellhead turboexpanders extend beyond merely managing high-pressure conditions. The presence of liquid drop-out and corrosive impurities in the process poses significant threats to the longevity and performance of the equipment. As the gas expands and cools, water or heavier hydrocarbons can condense, potentially leading to corrosion, blockages, or even mechanical failure. This makes material selection and system design critical components in the successful deployment of turboexpanders in wellhead applications.

Additionally, the wellhead environment often includes the presence of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and other corrosive impurities. These substances can attack the materials used in the construction of the turboexpander, leading to issues such as sulfide stress cracking (SSC) and general corrosion. To combat this, engineers must select materials that can resist these harsh conditions while maintaining the necessary magnetic and mechanical properties. This often involves a trade-off between corrosion resistance and other performance factors, such as magnetic permeability and yield strength.

Progress in Turboexpander Development

Despite these challenges, Sapphire Technologies has made considerable progress in developing turboexpanders for wellhead applications. Our FreeSpin™ In-line Turboexpander (FIT) technology, initially deployed in midstream and LNG applications, has been adapted for use at the wellhead. Recent design improvements include enhancements to the electrical insulation of the stator and magnetic bearing system, as well as the addition of drainage features to prevent water accumulation within the unit.

The journey to this point has been marked by continuous innovation and rigorous testing. For example, material testing conducted in 2023 provided valuable insights into the corrosion resistance capabilities of our baseline materials. This research has enabled us to refine our product, ensuring that it can withstand the corrosive environments commonly found at the wellhead. These advancements have not only improved the reliability and durability of our turboexpanders but have also positioned Sapphire Technologies as a leader in this emerging field.

Our success in adapting the FIT system for wellhead use is a testament to the versatility and robustness of our technology. By leveraging advanced design techniques and state-of-the-art materials, we have been able to create a turboexpander that can operate efficiently and reliably in one of the most challenging environments in the oil and gas industry. This progress underscores our commitment to pushing the boundaries of what is possible in clean energy technology.

Innovations on the Horizon

While significant strides have been made, there is still work to be done to fully realize the potential of wellhead turboexpanders. One area of ongoing innovation is the development of more advanced materials and coatings that can withstand the corrosive effects of H2S and other impurities without sacrificing magnetic performance. Additionally, further refinements to the rotor design and aerodynamic efficiency will help to enhance the power output and overall performance of the turboexpander.

Looking ahead, the pressure capability of the FIT system is another important area of focus. Enhancing this capability will involve modifications to the flange interfaces and housing dimensions, allowing the turboexpander to operate at even higher pressures. These improvements are essential for unlocking new opportunities for energy generation in the upstream sector, where the ability to operate at extreme pressures can significantly increase the amount of clean energy produced.

Moreover, as the industry continues to evolve, there is a growing need for turboexpander systems that can be easily integrated into existing infrastructure. This requires not only technical innovation but also a deep understanding of the operational challenges faced by our customers. By working closely with our partners and continuously iterating on our designs, we aim to develop solutions that are both technically advanced and practically viable.

Overall, the deployment of turboexpanders at the wellhead represents a promising avenue for generating clean electricity from otherwise wasted pressure energy. Sapphire Technologies is at the forefront of this innovation, having already made significant progress in overcoming the technical challenges associated with this application. However, the journey is far from over. Continued advancements in materials, design, and pressure capabilities will be critical to fully unlocking the potential of wellhead turboexpanders and driving the transition to a more sustainable energy future. As we continue to innovate and refine our technology, we are confident that turboexpanders will play a key role in the future of clean energy.
