
ASME Turbo Expo 2023 Turbomachinery Technical Conference & Exposition

Boston, MA

June 26, 2023


June 30, 2023

Join 2,000-plus turbomachinery and propulsion engineering leaders from industry, academia, and government at Turbo Expo in Boston, Massachusetts, June 26-30, 2023.

Attend Turbo Expo to:

Find your next R&D partner or employer: Meet R&D leaders from top companies, universities, and government labs at dedicated networking events, including the Celebrating Women in Turbomachinery event and Early Career Engineer & Student Mixer.

Advance your products: Choose among 1,000-plus technical presentations available live or on demand to discover new ways to build, test, and develop power and propulsion technologies.

Learn the fundamentals: Attend tutorials-of-basics sessions led by industry experts covering Hydrogen and Energy Storage, Clean Combustion and Dynamics, Heat Transfer, Materials and Ceramics, Mechanical Integrity, Aerodynamics, and more.

Promote your company: Connect with turbomachinery and propulsion decision makers in person to stay ahead of your competition.
